I'm Rodrigo.
This is my portfolio.
During this project, I worked on a team of about 15 engineers and designers to create a multi-page dynamic website.
I worked on the frontend using React and Sass, and I created the landing page and a few other components myself. I am very proud of my custom components, and used some interesting
Javascript to make these components very interactive and compelling. In addition, I called RESTful APIs from our AWS Lambda backend to dynamically update the data in components. Working on this
team project and using these technologies has helped me learn so much about frontend, version control, and coordinating on a team of engineers.
Here's the link to the website!
Click me to view the repository!
I made this website entirely using vanilla Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
Doing so helped me learn the fundamentals of web development very well (ESPECIALLY CSS, it took me a while,
but I feel very confident with it now).
I am currently working on recreating this entire website using React and
implementing a backend, so that I can dynamically update it when I want to add new projects!
Click me to view the repository!
Here's most of the code that makes this section of the website work:
I am recreating the classic arcade game 'Pacman' using nothing but Java and Java's built-in UI packages (swing, awt).
I have learned so much about interacting with different data structures like the 2D arrays used for the map, and I am
currently working on an A* pathfinding algorithm for the enemy AI.
Click me to view the repository!